Faced with the hyperconnection provided by the internet along with the chaotic traffic (in most cities) and the exhausting work routine, it has become essential to create peaceful environments at home, capable of nurturing a sense of well-being in everyday life.
And since this is an intrinsic feature of Buddhist arts or with a spiritualist appeal, we evoke the 8 elements of the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha to anchor high purposes in decoration and put this millenary teaching into practice.
It is the practice of the Fourth Noble Truth which is premised on the cessation of suffering and illusion. It is the truth of the path towards Nirvana understood by Siddhartha Gautama , Shakyamuni Buddha , when he traveled the world in search of answers to suffering.
The wisdom gained along this path is what underlies Buddhism and the essence of Zen decoration .
1. Right understanding ( Samyag-drsti )

Transfer to the interior decoration what you want to reverberate in your interior.
The first Noble Eightfold Path reveals the importance of being in tune with the Dharma , that is, with the Buddha 's teachings. And according to the Avatamsaka Sutra , he shows that it is necessary to get rid of the illusion that covers our vision of ourselves and of everything that exists.
It is the awakened state of the buddha-mind that understands existence clearly. After all, only the Right Understanding of what prompts our actions will show us the way to transform them.
Tune in to this facet of Buddhism by anchoring the Buddha image in the environment will lead you to the daily practice of letting go of illusions. Since creating Zen Buddhist spaces inspires the peace of your enlightened nature and makes you internalize this sensation and feel more serene.
2. Right thinking ( Samyak-samkalpa )

Buddha's head highlights that the human mind is dangerous and needs to be educated wisely.
Right Thinking is essentially connected with the practice of Right View . It is based on questioning the tendencies of the human mind and its beliefs that must be dissociated from the three poisons: anger, greed and ignorance.
Also considered harmful roots, they are fought using love, generosity and wisdom as an antidote. By understanding that both are within us, it is possible to stimulate inner balance through Zen decoration .
In this context, the Buddha's head draws attention to the importance of self-knowledge and maintaining positive thoughts on a daily basis. They help manage stress, keep your vibration high and attract abundance.
3. Correct speech ( Samyag-vac )

The Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Buddhas inspire the practice of Right Speech in a compassionate and helpful way.
The third aspect of the Eightfold Path is Right Speech which conveys the magnitude of choosing words well and timing them so as not to create negative karma. She claims to always speak the truth, using words in compassionate, helpful and encouraging ways to promote joy and peace.
To speak correctly is to speak the truth with kindness, without causing pain or being lying, rude and sarcastic. And by encouraging us to remain silent if what we want to say has a negative tendency, it goes against the Japanese proverb connected to the Three Wise Buddhas : “See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil”.
When present in the decoration, both the sculptures of monkeys and monks or blind, deaf and mute Buddhas make the environments peaceful.
4. Right Action ( Samyak-karmanta )

Creating a space for meditation is automatically using the decor for the practice of Right Action.
Right Action is concentrated in the Buddha-mind and represents the coming together of all the habits involving the body such as exercise, food and rest. She also adheres to the Five Precepts of Buddhism regarding behavior: not committing violence, not stealing, not being sensually impure, not lying, and not taking intoxicating substances.
Exercises such as Yoga and Meditation are ways of practicing this element of the Noble Path and positively realizing the potential of the divine nature within all sentient beings. For this reason, it is extremely effective to create a Zen environment with a calm atmosphere for practices that encourage inner peace.
Spaces like this make even moments of rest conducive to balancing energy and connecting with yourself.
5. Right livelihood ( Samyag-ajiva )

Craftsmanship is in tune with the fifth aspect of the Eightfold Path: Right Livelihood.
When the way we earn a living is in tune with Dharma truths we call it Right Livelihood or Right Profession . This facet of the Buddha's Eightfold Path presupposes that our work cannot produce karma or harm, violate, or cause someone to break with the precepts of Buddhism.
By considering the impact of what we do on everyone's lives, Right Livelihood connects closely with crafts that add value like decorative ceramics . In addition to bringing nature into the home, the ceramic vase tells stories and values culture.
By purchasing handmade decorative and utilitarian objects to decorate the environment, you help maintain Correct Professions.
6. Right Effort ( Samyak-vyayama )

Candle holders, masks and crystals are decorative elements that anchor spiritual connection.
Right Effort talks about engaging in Buddhism for self-transformation. He highlights the regularity of practice, the continuous effort in realizing the other elements of the Noble Path to apply the laws of Dharma in everyday life and acquire wisdom, peace and moral awareness.
This aspect is intertwined with the Buddhist concept of Great Perfect Wisdom , when we understand reality clearly and are prepared to act correctly, effectively and transparently, without being contaminated by the Poisons of the Mind . Goodness must be manifested and fostered, as well as the evil manifested in hatred, envy and rancor.
Regular practice extends to all our actions, regardless of whether they are directly connected to Buddhism or not. This principle also guides you in choosing what makes up your home decor. After all, an environment of peace is one that not only provides, but also manifests balance in the look.
In this context, any decorative art that connects you to spirituality, such as the wall mask , is valid!
7. Right Attention ( Samyak-smrti )

The wall mandala inspires the contemplative state to achieve Right Attention.
Seeing yourself and all that exists clearly, without being obscured by illusions, is a way to access the Buddhamind and experience Right Mindfulness . To conquer it, Buddha taught four contemplations: impurity, suffering, impermanence and “not me”.
The first exposes the body's detachment from the glimpse of its impurities; the second exposes the acceptance of painful sensations , since everyone experiences impermanence, illness and death. The third, in turn, incites the observation of the inconstancy of thoughts and the impermanence of the monkey mind; while the fourth and last teaches the contemplation of the non-existence of the unchanging individual nature .
An expressive and beautiful way to inspire this practice in everyday life is the use of colorful mandalas in wall decoration. The mystical combination of the sacred circle and chromotherapy harmonizes the environment, recharges your energies and helps you stay focused.
8. Right Concentration ( Samyak-samadhi )

Peaceful environments facilitate the practice of meditation and the achievement of Right Concentration.
Right Concentration or Samadhi , the deep state of concentration or meditative balance in Sanskrit, comes from the exercise of meditation. The peace, purity and tranquility gained through practice are the foundation for accessing the essence of Buddhist wisdom. Meditating, therefore, brings individual and collective benefits in addition to promoting well-being and improving health.
Creating a welcoming, comfortable and peaceful environment is a strategy that facilitates achieving constancy in meditation. Try to include wooden arts and decorative objects that stimulate the senses, either through colors such as mandalas and mosaic lamps ; through aroma like incense and scented candles ; or sound like a bell of winds and fountains of water .
Good memories are also stimuli to stay focused on the Dharma and practice meditation . Enjoy photo frames with photographs of moments, places or people that offer genuine happiness as a way to achieve it.
Decoration as a transformation tool
Creating environments of peace with Zen arts favors the internalization of the peaceful and enlightened essence.
The Eightfold Path is a guide to walking the Buddha 's Middle Way and living his teachings daily towards the Enlightenment of being. Since the practice is constant and in the long term, nothing is more effective than converting it into part of your home using interior decoration.
We dare say that this is the main purpose of the Zen arts : to lead you to encounter your divine nature. So here's an invitation to tune in to the maximum potential of your essence, aided by our online store !
Milene Sousa – Art & Tune
Fui batizado católico, porque não podia opinar. Nunca acreditei no pecado original. Não fiz a comunhão pois já pensava q havia muita coisa errada na religião católica. Me tornei Budista aos 18 anos, hoje tenho 73. Medito uma hora todo dia. E tento seguir os preceitos do Budismo com todas as minhas ações. Moro na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Pena que só tenha hoje um templo budista no Rio, em Vargem Grande, muito longe da minha residência.
Loja interessante quero conhecer
Muito pertinente de sua parte compartilhar todo conhecimento da matéria. Esclarecedor todos esses ensinamentos e que farão a diferença no meu propósito de vida que venho buscando e na minha espiritualidade e equilíbrio. A propósito, gosto muito de artes, trabalho com arte em madeira.