
Decorative animals - Mysticism and meanings of sacred animals


Anyone who has ever been enchanted by the artistic beauty of sculptures , panels and wall masks of decorative animals will not be surprised by the countless mysticisms and their genuine meanings associated with animals that take place in ancient cultures and that, regardless of the symbolic form of worship, transferred concepts of zoolatry for decoration re-signifying them to harmonize the environment.

Whether composing the image of anthropozoomorphic gods in Ancient Egypt, representing powers in shamanic mysticism , manifesting the sacred power of Hindu deities or symbolically associated with Buddhist iconography , animals are related to virtues, to what is pure in essence, and therefore the common connection with the divine.

There are many traditions that worship animals in their mythologies. Know the meaning of each one of them and how they connect with different cultures around the world!

Animals are endowed with virtues and embody powers of deities from different cultures.


Both Hindu mythology and Indian culture recognize and transfer the nobility of the elephant to decorative art . Its image as a symbol of wisdom, prosperity, stability and guide in removing obstacles appears in Hinduism in the iconography of Lord Ganesha , elephant god, and in the figure of Airâvata , vahana (vehicle) of Indra - the elephant of the clouds.

The elephant is a cultural heritage of India , considered an amulet of protection and good luck that has guided, over the centuries, men in wars, kings to thrones, grooms to the altar and continues to guide the paths of those who spiritually seek their knowledge. It is also considered a sacred animal in Buddhism and is a symbol of consciousness.


It is almost impossible to talk about sacred animals without mentioning how the cow is worshiped in India and treated as a god in animal form, a pure creature or a divine gift - the slaughter and consumption of the meat is prohibited. She is associated with Krishna ( Vishnu 's avatar) among other Hindu deities and symbolizes dharma , the law of justice. The animal's special character is described in two important scriptures of Hinduism: the Vedas and the Manusmriti , whose fertility, gentleness and the wish-fulfillment belief are major factors for worship.

Decorative animals reframe the mysticisms that have animals in the environment.


Throughout history, the figure of the horse has had a strong connection with freedom, strength, power and nobility. If for the Roman and Celtic peoples it is a symbol of abundance, rebirth and fertility, in Chinese culture it represents courage, integrity, intelligence and spirituality, since it is considered the messenger in Chinese Buddhism - mysticism reinforced by the belief that Buddha left the physical world under a winged white horse, which also carried his teachings.

In Hindu culture, it personifies the deity Hayagriva , one of the incarnations of the horse-headed god Vishnu , and appears as a vehicle for Lord Surya , god of the sun, and Lord Kubera , god of wealth - evidencing his prosperous, transforming and well-being capacity lucky wherever you are.


It is not surprising that the dog is always associated with loyalty and protection. In Egyptian iconography , as well as in Mexican mythology and Greek mysticism , it symbolizes a guide in the passage from life to death, since the sharp nose senses the purity of souls and leads them to their correct destinations - being referenced by the god Anubis in Egypt , Xoloitzcuintle in Mexico and Cerberus in Greece

According to Hindu tradition, Dattatreya , the 6th of the 24 avatars of Shiva , is depicted with four dogs that symbolize his domain over the four Vedas (Rig-Vea, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda and Atharva-Veda) or the four states of existence (existence, consciousness, thought and speech/action). In this context, the dog is associated with knowledge and raising consciousness.

Hinduism is enriched by animals used as vehicles or personifications of gods.


It is possible to feel freedom watching the eagle soaring on the horizon. Vision beyond human capacity, the power to transcend and heal are values ​​of the Amerindian culture , of the Native Americans , associated with the powerful bird of prey, whose feathers are symbols of honor and courage. In Hinduism, it appears on Garuda 's face, Vishnu 's vahana , as an icon of the incessant struggle between good and evil, life and death.


The tiger is another power animal worshiped in East and South Asia as a portrait of fearlessness, poise, strength and royalty. The image of the white tiger characterizes the virtue of honesty in the four symbols of the Chinese constellations . This sacred animal is also used as a vehicle by gods such as Tsai Shen Yeh (Chinese god of wealth), Durga (supreme Hindu goddess , Dewi ) and Shiva (god of destruction), who use its protection and courage. The feline also appears in Buddhism as an expression of spiritual strength and disciplined awareness.

Sacred animals inspire values, attract good fluids and leave the environment balanced.


The mystical relationship between cats and deities dates back to Ancient Egypt, with the iconography of Bastet , goddess of fertility, who represents protection, freedom, sensuality and luck. These felines are connected to psychic strength, vigilance, balance and dexterity - which are transmitted in the environment when they are made gifts as pets or decorative art . For Celtic mysticism , the mysterious figure of the cat represents the guardian of the underworld, reinforcing the connection with the occult and the ability to transmute energy.


In several ancient cultures, the lion is considered a symbol of power, nobility and protection - especially as Fu Lions , guardians of the dharma , of Chinese temples and protectors of Buddha . As Narasimha , the great protective avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu , defends the world against evil deeds.

The aesthetics and energy of the animals stand out in the environment to balance the decor.


The ability to adapt, regenerate and self-preserve makes the lizard a mystical animal connected to transcendence, both in shamanic culture and in Indonesian beliefs in the figure of the gecko (as we have already shown here ). Its presence teaches to look at the essence and inspires protection, understanding of life cycles and evolution processes.


The turtle is a symbol of stability, resistance and wisdom. In Vietnamese folklore, it appears as the legendary Kim Qui , the sacred turtle with a golden shell that guards the magic sword in Lake Hoan . In some beliefs of indigenous cultures such as the Navajo , it is linked to mother earth and the creation of the world, inspiring wisdom, health, longevity and temperance.

The mysticism of animals helps you find what is in tune with your essence.


In Buddhist philosophy, the monkey represents the restless mind that “jumps from branch to branch”, from thought to thought, leading us to distraction, being “tamed” through meditation. The monkey is always associated with instinct, that which is controlled through knowledge. So is the trio of wise monkeys when they teach us to "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil" so that we know how to recognize and transform it into ourselves.

Hanuman , the monkey god of Hinduism , in turn, brings out divine bravery, sacrifice, egolessness and pure devotion in the fight against evil.


The cobra or serpent is the most sacred snake in India, present in many beliefs as a symbol of fertility or associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva , wrapped around its neck representing the past, present and future; and as Sheshanaga ( Ananta-Shesha ), king of all snakes, representing infinite energy, where Vishnu rests in the ocean of milk beside Lakshmi .

The vital energy that circulates between the chakras during yoga practices is symbolized by a snake called Kundalini . The awakening of the serpent helps to expand consciousness to enlightenment, when it rises and falls, covering all the chakras and leaving them in balance.

wooden-carved-realistic-naja-snake statue
Buddhism and Hinduism are the ones that most use zoolatry to transmit their values.

Get inspired by the sacred essence of the decorative animals in our online store and use interior decoration to transform environments into powerful energy-transforming havens. Be open to receive the virtues that vibrate in each animal!


Milene Sousa - Art & Tune






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